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✏️ Wallet Features

Here are some key highlights of KryptoGO Wallet. (version 2.24.0)

MetaMask alternative

🦊 The 100% MetaMask alternative

When launching a DApp, KryptoGO Wallet injects a special wallet provider object into the JavaScript context of the webpage. This is exactly the same as how MetaMask does it. This means any DApp or website you can connect to with MetaMask, you can with KryptoGO Wallet as well. Just choose the “MetaMask” option, and you’ll be in in no time.

Safety features

✋ Top-notch user friendliness

Web3 is a scary field to newcomers. We get it.

It’s the wild west out there, with memecoins, NFT rug pulls, cult slang (e.g., WAGMI, FOMO, GM, DYOR), and cryptic white papers… all built on top of decentralized distributed ledgers known as blockchains invented by unknown persons using a pseudonym whose real identities remain speculative.

And to top it all off, we’ve all seen the news — Scams. Hacks. Incredibly rich people who became incredibly broke incredibly fast.

But one thing we’re not denying is that web3 is pretty fun. It’s new, exciting, and things move fast (and break fast). If you want a taste of web3, we’re here to make it easier for you to enjoy the ride and avoid some bumps on the way.

🐣 Newbie-friendly web3 onboarding

Memorizing your seed phrase (a long list of English words) or your private key (a seemingly random string of letters and numbers) is daunting to many web3 newcomers. With KryptoGO’s thoughtful onboarding process, users can access their wallets using a combination of phone verification, email verification, and password. Alternatively, users can login with their Google Account.

🔑 Self-custody wallet

KryptoGO Wallet is a secure, self-custody wallet. Users have full control over their assets, and no third party nor KryptoGO has access to your private keys. User asset safety is our topmost priority.

👁️ Risk monitoring and malicious intent alerts

Signing or approving a transaction, but unsure what it means? KryptoGO Wallet automatically monitors transactions and risk factors using top services such as MetaMask, Phantom, Blowfish, Solfare, PhishFort, and ScamSniffer.

🤌 Token and NFT Filtering

Anyone can airdrop anything to any given wallet address, without the wallet owner’s approval. KryptoGO Wallet continuously detects and hides suspicious tokens and NFTs from view (opt-out) to ensure our users don’t become victims of a deliberate scam.

Portfolio features

💼 All your assets, in one place

KryptoGO Wallet uses a “multiple, multi-chain wallet” account model. With one seed phrase, wallets are created for the user on 10 separate blockchains — Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, Binance Smart Chain, Tron, Arbitrum, Kucoin Community Chain, Ronin, and Oasys. Users may also import any number of wallets from from other wallet apps such as MetaMask and Rainbow.

📈 Portfolio view and portfolio analysis

Users can easily see their entire portfolio, consisting of cryptocurrency tokens, NFTs, DeFi positions, and GameFi assets. Track token and NFT price changes, and analyze your portfolio by token, chain, or wallet.

🎰 NFT utility center

We imagine a future world in which NFTs are widely accepted as an alternative to physical or digital coupons, membership cards, entrance passes, and event tickets. KryptoGO Wallet shows you NFT utility beyond just the NFT art itself, and gives you information on airdrops and a cool way to redeem rewards.

Web3 social features

👯‍♀️ Socialize in web3

Adding someone as a friend in KryptoGO Wallet in not unlike adding him or her on your favorite social media platform. You can sync your phone contacts to import anyone in your contacts also with KryptoGO Wallet, or add others as a friend by scanning their QR code.

💬 Fully functional chatrooms

KryptoGO Wallet is one of the only wallets with a fully functional chatroom built in. Say good morning (GM) to your web3 friends, flex a super valuable NFT in your collection, provide proof of a transaction confirmed by the blockchain, or send them a payment request, all inside the chatroom.

🧑‍💻 Built-in decentralized app (DApp) browser

The built-in browser includes a curated list of DApps and you can instantly switch between blockchain networks.